Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Mr. Hyde

  I am not pleased with people who are successful breeders this week. I am finding it hard to be happy for people who are pregnant. I'm finding it a challenge to see pictures of people's children on Facebook and not go into a jealous rage. One school friend on Facebook has four beautiful sons, and I found myself angry at him today. There isn't much I wouldn't do to have just one of what he has. What a selfish jerk.
  These are the thoughts of a mad man. These are the thoughts that roll through my head as I sit up late at night, or in the moments when we celebrate a birth at work, or when I hear another pregnancy announcement. When a group of my friends or co-workers are sitting around talking about their children, knowingly laughing about lack of sleep, diapers, funny toddler behavior, I want to scream at the top of my lungs: YOU ARE FUCKING KILLING ME!!
  But I can't. I shouldn't. I don't need to. I need to remember at those moments that we will have our baby. We will know those feelings they have. I will see Shannon pregnant, and get to feel kicks from her belly.
  I need to tell Mr. Hyde that he is not welcome.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Some Details Left Out And A Cadence Change

  Throughout this process I've been a huge advocate for transparency and openness. The more that I have been open and told people who care about us, the more the whole thing has seemed normal, and just another medical challenge like so many people face.
  However, we've reached a point where it makes sense to at least leave some details out of the story. The decision that comes next for us, given our choice to use donor sperm, is one that we very much want to be ours and known by the people closest to us. So, we won't be discussing the details of the choice we make regarding the source of our little helpers here. The decision to leave these details out was not taken lightly. As you can gather by reading our story, I am an over-sharer. It will be difficult for me to not discuss our thought process and the complexities that come with it, other than donor generalities, in this space. I'll get over it, and I trust you will as well.
  Know this though: There are a large number of offers that appear on the table when you reach this point, when you have amazing people around you. There are great sources for anonymous donors. Ivy League educations are expensive, Ivy League sperm are cheaper.
  The pace of our journey slows down from here. Where we have been thinking about days and weeks, we need to start thinking about months, and possibly years. Changing pace is difficult in any race. The body and mind enjoy the rhythm, and fight as you decrease the cadence. We find ourselves fighting the pace lately. We get disappointed when we hear about FDA requirements, required counseling, differences between policies at different hospitals. We need to focus on the goal of a third heartbeat (ok fourth including Brady) in our family, and trust our legs.